We understand the struggle and frustration of trying to build a spiritual business because we've been right where you are... we want to make it easier and faster for you... than it was for us!

We built the Building Your Spiritual Business Success Academy to take the guess work out of building your business!



The biggest barrier to building your business is the Technology Barrier. If you're like us your main focus and training is how to be a healer and not a website designer.

We make it easier for you to overcome the Technology Barrier. We'll walk you through the step-by-step process of building your site.

If you can watch a video and point and click... then you can build your own website.


No longer do you have to guess when building your business!

We take the guess work out of building your business because we've been right where you are.

We've owned our spiritual business for over 22 years, we've seen it all and we've done it all.

Let us show you the spiritual business secrets we've learned over the past 22 years.


There are two phases of building your business: The Building Phase and the Marketing Phase.

The Building Phase is building your website and all of the other technical components of building your business and your business is not generating income for you during the Build Phase.

Our goal is to move you through the Building Phase as fast as possible, so your business can start generating income for you.


You can be the best spiritual business owner in the world but if you don't know how to market your business... you won't be able to share your gifts with anyone.

Yes, we hate marketing too but marketing doesn't have to be pushy, icky or gross.

We've learned over the years of how to market our spiritual business and we do it in a kind and caring way.

We will teach you how to market you services to new clients and your existing clients, which doesn't feel like a sales pitch and your clients won't feel like your being pushy or taking an advantage of them.


Our goal for your is to... help more people, maximize your income, work less hours and have the freedom you want.

After 22 plus years in business we understand that running can be draining and burn out is a real thing.

You have must total clarity on the type of business you’re building and if it’s the right type of business that will work for you in the future.

We’ll help you gain total clarity of the type business you want to build and one that will work for you in the future. A business which will give you the income and freedom you want.


As a spiritual entrepreneur, alternative healthcare, wellness and holistic entrepreneur, no longer do you have to walk your path alone!

We know from years of personal experience, how difficult it is to find someone or some place where you can just talk about the things that are bothering you as an entrepreneur or as a healer. 

This is why we built the Building Your Spiritual Business Tribe, to give you access to a private tribe of healers, where you can get advice from other healers which are going through the same things you are or have gone through the same things you are experiencing in your practice and in your life. 

"Your coaching is different because you're showing me the "master plan" of how to build a spiritual business and you're teaching me how to put all the pieces together and in what order they need to be in!

Most of the other coaches have never been in this industry, they are giving general online marketing tools but they don't know the pieces which are needed to build a spiritual."

- Linda B.


Our Goal: To help 10,000 spiritual entrepreneurs, alternative healthcare, wellness and holistic entrepreneurs build and maintain a thriving practice because we understand the world needs the special gifts you have to offer.

Hi, I’m Bryan Mandrell

I've spent over 22 years in my private holistic health care practice helping 1000’s of people… one-on-one to achieve their personal and business goals.

May it be with quitting smoking, losing weight, reducing stress and anxiety, overcoming fears, overcoming mental blocks, controlling their mindset, becoming more successful in life and in business.

I know how hard, frustrating and lonely it can be to trying to start and run a holistic health care business.

I want to make it easier for you than it was for me.

I want to share with you the proven business strategies and business models I've used to grow and maintain my private holistic health care practice for over 22 years.

Bryan Mandrell

I've developed and use unique business building systems specifically for health and wellness entrepreneurs.

I want to make it easier and faster for you to start your business from scratch, show you how to overcome the technology barrier, how to market your business and how to maintain a successful holistic health care business.

I know the world needs your special gift you have to offer... I want you to start helping people as soon as possible and I want you to have the business which gives you the income and freedom you want.

If you're ready... to start building your business or take your business to the next level... we have everything waiting for you in the Building Your Spiritual Business Success Academy.

We are excited to meet you in our success tribe!